SiSoftware Sandra 2010 SP3 16.67

sisoftware_logoDopo l'avvento di Sandy Bridge iniziano ad arrivare i primi aggiornamenti dei software preposti a verificare le configurazioni e le prestazioni di sistema, in questo caso della suite Sandra della SiSoftware.

SiSoftware Sandra 2010 SP3 16.67 ora supporta le istruzioni AVX del prossimo processore Intel a 32 nm Sandy Bridge. Inoltre, supporta fino a 256 thread in Windows per poter testare anche sistemi server di un certo spessore.

Ecco un riepilogo delle principali caratteristiche:

  • AVX instruction set (Sandy Bridge): extensive support in all benchmarks: Multi-Media (integer & float), Memory Bandwidth (integer & float, buffered and unbuffered/streaming), Cache & Memory (non-streaming).
  • Support for up to 256 threads on Windows 7/Server 2008 R2! We've only tested up to 80-threads, but if you have more we'd love to hear from you! It also supports systems with holes in CPU list (e.g. CPU numbers not sequential) though it's best not to have holes wherever possible.
  • Blu-Ray: we are launching Blu-Ray test disks in addition to the DVD and CD-ROM test disks!
Edoardo G. - Slime - XtremeHardware Staff